Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oklahoma City text...

If anyone is still reading this here is the text that should have been up when we were in OK. 

For some reason the text I wrote for Oklahoma City didn't end up on the blog with the pictures.  The first post talked about how we expected Oklahoma City to be boring but it actually seemed pretty interesting. The people there are very nice and are more than happy to talk to you about ANYTHING. 

We went to the National Cowboy Museum expecting to kill an hour or two tops and ended up wishing we could stay all day.  It was really cool and a HUGE museum. They had tons of artifacts and we learned a lot about Cowboys, rodeo history, and the rape and destruction of the land and native people.  We only made it through maybe half of the museum and that was without taking the time to even read/look at everything. It's definitely a good destination if you travel across the country. 

Then we found a part that turned out to be a model of an old western town.  We decided to play "High Noon" which the local sheriff didn't like and that's when I got thrown in jail (the pic shown on the post titled "on the inside").  After getting out we talked to this guy who worked at the museum. He told us a lot of awesome destinations between OK city and LA. None of which we had time to visit.  He had tried the Big Texan steak 15 years ago and failed.  He informed us that Amarillo TX is "flatter than hammered dog shit".  That has a nice ring to it. 


More post-trip updates to follow...

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